Our Service Offering
An overview of our services
What do we offer
Determination of Business Interruption (BI) and Stock Losses
We have decades of experience in the German and international market, with major insurance standards, such as gross profit / gross earnings, ZKBU, Mittlere BU, FBUB (German standards), technical BI. Our experience encompasses BI and stock losses incurred by companies ranging from small business to large multinational corporations.
Cyber Claims
As cyber risks become an ever more tangible threat for companies, our activities in the field of determining cyber losses have grown considerably. We have been retained for numerous major loss events over the past years. Our experience in processing large volumes of data allows us to identify and measure effects on a global scale. We use, for instance, market and industry specific data to differentiate between market trends and loss-related impacts.
Insured Values / Sum Insured
We support companies to correctly determine sums insured. This also includes considering specific features of coverage, for instance the period of consideration in determining insured values in the German market as opposed to Anglo-Saxon approaches. In the case of losses, we also determine insured values, as required.
Third Party Liability Claims
Precise and well-founded analysis is essential as a defendant or claimant for third-party liability damages. We support with the preparation of expert reports able to stand up to critical analysis. We also act as an expert witness in court proceedings as required.
Other Analysis
Further economic analysis can be prepared as required. Examples are potential maximum loss, case studies, stress tests and specific analysis for government subsidies. In addition, we support companies to better quantify risks, for instance in the areas of purchasing, production and customers.